Ave Regina Cælorum

This Marian Antiphon is found as early as the 12th century in the Office of the Assumption. It is a salutation to the Queen of Heaven, expressed with all possible terms of admiration: Ave, Salve, Gaude, Vale.

Since the 14th century, it has become the Antiphon of spring, perhaps because it greets Mary as the earthly root, Salve radix, of that light which opens upon the world – does not spring mark the time when daylight continuously increases and life rises from the roots to the branches?

At Notre-Dame de Paris, an immemorial custom dictates that before the grand Mass, the Ave Regina is sung before the statue of the Queen of Heaven; thus, this Antiphon concludes the Sunday office of Lauds every week (except during the Easter season when it is replaced by the Regina Cæli).

You can listen to the Marian Antiphon Ave Regina Cælorum sung in the choir of Notre-Dame here:

Text of Ave Regina Cælorum in English

Hail, Queen of Heaven.
Hail, Lady of Angels
Hail, thou root, hail, thou gate
From whom into the world, a light has arisen!
Rejoice, glorious Virgin,
Lovely above all others!
Farewell, most beautiful maiden,
And pray for us to Christ.

Text of Ave Regina Cælorum in Latin


Ave, Regína cælórumAve,
Dómina Angelórum,
Sálve rádix, sálve, pórta,
Ex qua múndo lux est órta.
Gáude, Vírgo gloriósa,
Super ómnes speciósa ;
Vále, o valde decóra
Et pro nóbis Christum exóra.m
Ave, Dómina Angelórum,
Sálve rádix, sálve, pórta,
Ex qua múndo lux est órta.
Gáude, Vírgo gloriósa,
Super ómnes speciósa ;
Vále, o valde decóra
Et pro nóbis Christum exóra.