The Pulpit

by Mirgon, Corbon, Viollet-le-Duc (19th century)

The pulpit was created in 1868 by Mignon based on designs by Viollet-le-Duc. From this pulpit, preachers would traditionally address the faithful.


Not on display:
Still within the cathedral, inaccessible since the fire

Crucifix monumental

(19th century)

This large bronze cross was gifted by Emperor Napoleon III in the 19th century.


Not on display:
Still within the cathedral, inaccessible since the fire

The Treasury

The Treasure Room or Great Sacristy is a majestic vaulted room, 12 meters high, illuminated by three large stained glass windows. It is adorned with statues of four angels bearing censers, as well as statues of Saints Peter and Paul. Learn more

Not on display:
Still within the cathedral, inaccessible since the fire

Chapter House

(19th century)

The Chapter House, an area of the sacristy inaugurated in 1854, features 18 stalls surrounding the archbishop’s throne and the secretary’s desk. It is where the chapter meetings are held.


Not on display:
Within the cathedral, inaccessible since the fire

Choir Organ

by Boisseau-Cattiaux (XXe siècle)

Used daily for evening services, the choir organ is an instrument with 30 stops and 2000 pipes. Its neo-Gothic case from the 19th century is perched atop the choir stalls.

Not on display:
Still within the cathedral, inaccessible since the fire

The Choir Stalls

(early 18th century)

Between 1710 and 1714, Robert de Cotte installed two rows of carved oak stalls. Above these, 22 natural oak panels were placed, depicting scenes from the life of the Virgin.

Not on display:
Still within the cathedral, inaccessible since the fire

Choir Screen, Scenes from the Life of Christ

(14th century)

The faithful of the past were fewer in number but seemingly noisier. Between 1300 and 1350, a wall was built to reduce noise in the choir, adorned with sculptures depicting scenes from the life of Christ. Learn more

Not on display:
Still within the cathedral, inaccessible since the fire