Other contributors

Association Maurice de Sully

A spiritual splendor and world-renowned monument, Notre-Dame Cathedral attracts an increasing number of pilgrims, faithful, and visitors. It is the site of major diocesan and national celebrations.

The management of the building requires significant human and material resources. This situation necessitated the creation of an associative structure to support the rector in administrative and technical tasks. This entity also contributes to the renown of this historically significant place. Thus, the Maurice de Sully Association, governed by the law of July 1, 1901, was established.

Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris

Cardinal Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris, established this American foundation in October 2016 to fund the restoration of the Cathedral on an international scale. The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) recognized it as a charitable foundation (501c3) in the United States in May 2017. Michel Picaud serves as its President. Since its inception, the foundation has organized events and concerts in New York, Boston, Washington, Chicago, San Francisco, and New Orleans to promote Notre-Dame de Paris and facilitate fundraising.

Association CASA

The CASA (Communautés d’Accueil dans les Sites Artistiques) association (The Community of Welcome in Artistic Sites), governed by the law of July 1, 1901, and recognized as a public utility, has been providing volunteer-guided tours at Notre-Dame de Paris since 1977. CASA’s communities consist of volunteer guides who welcome visitors at around fifteen artistic and religious sites in France.

Tours are offered daily in ten languages (French, German, English, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian) by a team of about one hundred members.

CASA aims to establish a dialogue with visitors, share the richness and beauty of the buildings, and offer an opportunity to discover the spiritual dimension of the sites.

Association Musique Sacrée à Notre-Dame de Paris

Founded in 1993 at the initiative of Cardinal Lustiger, the Musique Sacrée à Notre-Dame de Paris association (The Sacred Music Association at Notre-Dame de Paris) has the following missions:

  • Training singers
  • Providing musical accompaniment for liturgical celebrations
  • Organizing concerts and auditions
  • Conducting musicological research on an invaluable musical heritage
  • Promoting and disseminating this heritage, including contemporary creations

Today, the Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris includes several entities under the musical direction of Henri Chalet:

  • The children’s choir (from CE2 to 3rd grade)
  • The Young Ensemble (high school students)
  • The Adult Choir, a mixed choir of professional training singers
  • A pre-maîtrise for the youngest children, starting from CP

This extensive structure is complemented by the Notre-Dame de Paris vocal ensemble. In addition to participating in liturgy, these ensembles regularly perform concerts outside Notre-Dame. They contribute to the cathedral’s vibrant musical activity, which also includes:

  • Weekly organ auditions
  • Monthly organ recitals
  • Concerts by invited groups
  • Production of recordings

This highlights the excellence pursued by all those involved in music at Notre-Dame.

Association Diocésaine de Paris

The Diocesan Association of Paris is a religious association. As a structure of the Catholic Church in Paris, it addresses the needs related to the practice of the Catholic faith. It supports the diocese of Paris, engaging in a mission with three main areas:

  • Explicit proclamation of the faith
  • Youth education
  • Solidarity

To support this mission (both pastoral and charitable), the diocese of Paris relies on the clergy, its employees, and numerous volunteers. Additionally, the Notre-Dame Foundation funds various aid, solidarity, education, and cultural projects. It also houses 24 foundations under its umbrella.

Société des Amis de Notre-Dame

Founded in 1939, the Société des Amis de Notre-Dame (The Society of Friends of Notre-Dame) counted the great medievalist Marcel Aubert and Cardinal Verdier among its founding members. Its goal was to assemble a museum on the history of Notre-Dame and currently, with the help of patrons, restores the most significant works in its collections. It organizes conferences on the history and current events of Notre-Dame and guided tours about the history of cathedrals for its members and the general public.