The North Facade and the Cloister Portal

The north facade and its cloister were built in the mid-13th century by Jean de Chelles. The architect established new architectural concepts later adopted by Pierre de Montreuil on the south facade.

The North Facade and Cloister

In the Middle Ages, the Notre-Dame cloister was accessible during the day. It hosted laypeople in the service of the canons. In the mid-13th century, the canons decided to modify the shape of the cathedral by adding a projecting transept. Its construction preceded that of the south facade. Architect Jean de Chelles carried out the work until his death in 1258. The north facade forms a long, dimly lit bay. It is divided into three levels, slightly recessed from one another. It is bordered by a small street and never receives direct sunlight. The chapels later added around the nave tend to obscure the projection of the transept arm.

The Cloister Portal

The north transept facade features the same architectural elements as the south transept: a gable surmounts the portal, an openwork gallery with a large rose window occupies the middle part, and a triangular decorated gable tops it all. A large pinnacle in the shape of spires rises from its base on each side. A rose window pierces it, illuminating the north transept’s attic.

The Virgin and Child

The statue of the Virgin and Child is placed on the trumeau, at the center of the portal. The statue escaped the ravages of the Revolution, but the child she holds in her arms disappeared. Her features are said to be those of Marguerite of Provence, wife of Saint Louis. The Virgin’s posture is delicate, slightly swayed. The drapery with soft folds enhances the majestic effect. Her maternal smile represents a humanized Christianity. The image of the woman and mother is given great importance. The revolutionaries destroyed the six statues on the jambs, representing the Magi and the theological virtues. The lintel, in the lower part of the tympanum, depicts four scenes from Christ’s childhood: the Nativity, the Presentation in the Temple, the Massacre of the Innocents by Herod, and the Flight into Egypt. The sober elegance, the delicacy of the faces, and the deep-folded drapery are typical of 13th-century Île-de-France sculpture.

The Miracle of Theophilus

The upper part of the tympanum depicts the Miracle of Theophilus. A young clerk, Theophilus is jealous of the bishop. To supplant him and escape poverty, he sells his soul to the devil. With the devil’s help, he manages to humiliate the bishop. Then, not knowing how to get out of the situation, he implores Mary, who manages to annul the pact. Theophilus repents as a sign of gratitude.