Major Events

Closely linked to the history of France and Paris, the cathedral has hosted significant events attended by the most eminent political figures since its construction.

Reception of the Popes

  • 754: Stephen II renews the coronation of King Pepin the Short at Saint-Denis, including his son Charles, the future Charlemagne.
  • 835: Gregory IV inaugurates the first All Saints’ Day at Saint-Denis, in the presence of numerous bishops and King Louis the Pious.
  • 1107: Paschal II receives Philip I and his son, the future Louis VI the Fat, at Saint-Denis, referring to them as the devoted sons of the apostles.
  • 1131: Innocent II celebrates Easter at Saint-Denis in the presence of Louis VI and Saint Bernard.
  • 1147: Eugene III consecrates the Abbey of Saint-Pierre de Montmartre, in the presence of Saint Bernard and Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny.
  • 1163: Alexander III celebrates Easter in Paris and lays the first stone of the cathedral. He seeks the protection of King Louis VII and grants him the Golden Rose, honoring the sovereign as the unique defender of the Church after God.
  • 1804: Napoleon I is crowned Emperor by Pope Pius VII.
  • 1980: John Paul II is invited to Paris and Notre-Dame by UNESCO, the episcopate, and civil authorities.
  • 1997: John Paul II visits Paris for World Youth Day (WYD).
  • 2008: Pastoral visit of Benedict XVI. He celebrates Vespers at Notre-Dame.

Political Events

  • 1239: Saint Louis deposits the Holy Crown of Christ, awaiting the completion of the Sainte-Chapelle.
  • 1302: The first meeting of the Estates General of the Kingdom of France is initiated by Philip the Fair.
  • 1431: The opening of the rehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc.
  • 1447: Charles VII celebrates the recapture of Paris from the English at the end of the Hundred Years’ War with a Te Deum (hymn of festivals and triumphs).
  • 1594: Henry IV celebrates his entry into Paris with a Te Deum, marking the reconquest of the capital from the Holy League.
  • 1663: Renewal of the treaty of alliance between France and Switzerland by Louis XIV.
  • 1789: The cathedral becomes state property by decree of the nationalization of clergy assets on November 2, 1789.
  • 1793: Transformation of the cathedral into the Temple of Reason by the Paris Commune to practice the cult of the Supreme Being.
  • 1811: Baptism of the King of Rome, heir son of Napoleon I.
  • 1944: On August 25, the bells ring for the liberation of Paris. The next day, a Magnificat is sung in the presence of General de Gaulle and General Leclerc.

Royal and Imperial Marriages

  • 1558: Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland, and Francis II, son of Henry II.
  • 1559: Elisabeth of France and Philip II of Spain. Marriage by proxy. The Duke of Alba represents the king.
  • 1572: Marguerite de Valois (known as Queen Margot) and Henry of Navarre, future Henry IV.
  • 1853: Eugénie de Montijo and Emperor Napoleon III.

Coronations and Crowning

  • 1431: Henry VI of England is crowned King of France towards the end of the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) to legitimize his rights against Charles VII, who was also crowned King of France in 1429 in Reims.
  • 1804: Coronation of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte by Pope Pius VII. (depicted in the painting The Coronation of Napoleon by Louis David, Louvre Museum).


  • May 9, 1945: Cardinal Suhard welcomes General de Gaulle, members of the government, and ambassadors from the United States, USSR, and Great Britain. During the service, a Te Deum of thanksgiving for victory is sung, followed by the Marseillaise.
  • 2012: Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris, inaugurates the cathedral’s jubilee for its 850th anniversary.